Marbled Wellies!


Wellies…a festival must have…and yet there are plenty of punters, including myself once or twice, who have been caught out by the British Summer! So, I had a gap in my stock supply that needed to be filled – but they couldn’t just be any old wellington boot…I needed an oo arh! wellie!

So I did some internet hunting, and found some amazing white, ankle high, Western style wellington! Perfect for funking up! And I had seen some fantastic projects done with marbling and have been keen to try it out myself…

Firstly, I sanded the outside of the boot quickly to ensure that the paint stuck to it – I’m sure it would have done anyway but wanted to make sure!


I bought some Canbrush Spray Paint that would work on plastics and a large tub…(apologies about the state of the garden!)


Fill the tub with water, spray the paint on to the surface and swirl with a stick to create a marble effect, then dip the item (in my case a wellie) into the water and the paint will stick to it – magical!

I did some testers first – some bits and bobs out of our recycling bin!


I would recommend having plenty of sticks around to scoop up the left over paint from the tub.

I am so pleased with the outcome! This was my first tester pair…might keep these for myself to wear and promote!


I spent a lovely afternoon marbling and had some company too…


Very tame and curious!

By the end of the afternoon, I had an army of funky wellies…


To finish them off, I sprayed them with Plastikote so that, hopefully, the paint will not come off and the wellie will move naturally with the layers of paint and sealant.


I will see how these six pairs are received and maybe have another session! But for now, enjoy the pretty colours and have a go yourself!
